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Support Jusoor

For larger donations, please consider using a bank transfer to save on transaction fees. Please contact us at to receive our bank account details.
الشفافية والمساءلة

جادون بشأنهم

إن داعمينا ومانحينا وشركائنا عنصرٌ أساسيٌ في نجاحنا. لقد تمكننا في السنوات الأخيرة من إحداث تغيير حقيقي على نطاق يفوق ما أنجزناه في أي وقت مضى، ولكن ذلك لم يكن ليتحقق لولا سخاء داعمينا. بدونكم، ما كنا لنقدر على مساعدة الأطفال والشباب السوريين في السعي من أجل غدٍ أكثر إشراقًا.

ولهذا السبب فنحن ملتزمون بالشفافية الكاملة والمسؤولية أمامكم، وذلك من خلال مشاركتكم تحديثاتنا وتقاريرنا، داعين إياكم لمحاسبتنا وفقًا لأقوالنا ووعودنا.

المزيد عن تدابيرنا >


Can't find the answer you're looking for?
Our team is ready to assist.

Does Jusoor have any political affiliations?

Jusoor is a non-political organization with strictly no ties to any political or religious entity.

Is it possible to add a specific designation for your donation?

Yes! Please check the online donations program box you would like your support to go to. You are also able to indicate your designation in a bank transfer reference or on the back of a check. Please feel free to contact For all unmarked donations, please rest assured these are allocated to the program of most need at that specific time.

Which currencies am I able to donate in?

Jusoor is able to accept online donations in dozens of currencies worldwide. The platform then automatically converts the donor’s currency into one of these four currencies which we work with: US Dollar (USD), Canadian Dollar (CAD), British Pound (GBP), and Euro (EUR).

Will I receive a tax receipt for my donation?

All donations above $500 receive a receipt from Jusoor, including details for tax reclamation. If you would like a receipt for any donation under $500, please contact

I am a UK taxpayer. Am I able to Gift Aid?

Yes! Please follow the Jusoor UK giving platform and check the Gift Aid box. This ensures the organization is able to claim an extra 25% on top of your donation.

Am I able to create a planned gift such as leaving a legacy to Jusoor?

Yes. Please contact our Head of Fundraising to discuss this in more detail:

I would like to fundraise for Jusoor. How do I start?

We are extremely grateful to our independent fundraisers. Please follow this link. Our downloadable toolkit for fundraisers is available on the page.

How can I support education programs for Syrians?

Jusoor offers a range of specialized projects aimed at supporting education programs for Syrians affected by displacement and refugees. Our projects range from working to build literacy, numeracy and life skills in long-term out-of-school and working children, preparing children to enter the Lebanese education system, supporting children in public schools to reduce dropout rates, and providing higher education scholarships. Furthermore, our projects prioritize the holistic well-being of these children by incorporating vital aspects such as life skills training, psychosocial support, and ensuring basic needs like nutrition are met through the provision of healthy food. You can donate directly to our programs, fundraise for Jusoor, or offer your time and experience as a mentor for scholars, young professionals, or entrepreneurs, or take part in our summer volunteer program at our education centers. Please get in touch with us at to discuss your donation, fundraising ideas, or volunteering opportunities.

How can I donate to Syrian refugees?

Jusoor is dedicated to supporting Syrian refugees and families affected by conflict in Lebanon and other host communities. Our organization focuses on holistic education, enhancing access to higher education, fostering entrepreneurship, and facilitating career development to bridge the opportunity gap and realize maximum potential. You can contribute to our cause by making a donation to a specific project or by providing unrestricted funding, which will be allocated to the areas where it is most needed. If you are interested in discussing your donation, setting up a personal scholarship, or making a larger contribution to cover a specific project, please feel free to reach out to us at

What steps does Jusoor take to reduce costs to ensure funds raised go to the direct benefit of programs and beneficiaries?

The Operations team reviews all supplier contracts on an annual basis, including IT and transportation. For example, the buses taking children to and from school in the Bekaa valley are negotiated regularly, especially during the economic crisis in Lebanon since 2019. Another example is the Scholarships team ensuring all university partnership contracts are negotiated and implemented. This systematic process is adhered to in both Lebanon and worldwide.

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