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Get Involved
with Jusoor

Be an agent of change!

Join our growing Jusoor supporters community.
We have set up this platform for those generous individuals looking to support Jusoor beyond the donations, and for those who want to be more involved with our projects, whether by volunteering and getting in touch with our communities in person or virtually, or by advocating for Jusoor by becoming a voice of change through various ways.

A photo of volunteers at Jusoor's Jurahiya School
A photo of a Jusoor workshop for the scholars
A photo of Jusoor students participating in a tech training
A photo of a Jusoor workshop and a brainstorming session
A photo of volunteers interacting with the students at Jusoor's Jurahiya School
A photo of volunteers at Jusoor's Education School
A photo of volunteers at Jusoor's Jurahiya School
A photo of a Jusoor workshop for the scholars
A photo of Jusoor students participating in a tech training
A photo of a Jusoor workshop and a brainstorming session
A photo of volunteers interacting with the students at Jusoor's Jurahiya School
A photo of volunteers at Jusoor's Education School
Have other ideas?

Contact us

We love to work with passionate individuals who want to bring their creativity and what they do best to support the cause and be agents of change.

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