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June 21, 2021

Syrian Refugees Inspire us Every Day


This year, on refugee week, we want to highlight some of the stories that we encounter every day from Syrian refugees around the world, inspiring us with their success stories, whether small ones like becoming more sociable at school or large ones like starting a successful business. What they have in common is their resilience and will to make their lives better.

The Syrian refugees we work with did not choose to leave their country, but they did choose to survive every day by keeping their courage and perseverance to keep moving forward, taking every opportunity they can get to thrive in the countries they are in, an inspiration to us all.

We pray for a world where no human should be displaced from their own country, and for the world to be just and kind to all mankind.

Here are some of the stories

Abd Razak is a bright student in Grade 1 at our Jurahiyya Education Center.

Abd used to work selling tissues and sweets on the streets, convinced that this is the only available route for him.

The Jusoor team took Abd on a visit to one of our education centers in Lebanon, where he was very excited by the prospect of learning to read and write, and saw how education can be a fun experience, where he can play and can make friends his age. This is in contrast to the experiences and expectations he had before about schools being strict and unfriendly. Nowadays, Abd no longer works on the streets, has many friends, and his parents support his education.

MarthaEDU is the first affordable, qualified, interactive non-formal educational system, specially developed for children with hearing disabilities in Jordan.-Martha Edu's team was part of Jusoor’s Entrepreneurship program. The team worked their way through the boot camp, mentoring, and training, and ended up winning 10,000 JOD seed money for their startup!-MarthaEDU functions as a mobile application that contains 26 educational levels in the form of flashcards designed with passion to teach deaf children ages 2 to 5 years old, sign language and much much more, by the integration of an Augmented Reality-based app and the educational cards supported with sign language, to ensure the right of high-quality education for every deaf child in Jordan and the Middle East.

Mohammed Khalaf is a devoted student who recently graduated from Alzarqa university with a bachelor's degree in teaching. Mohammed is a father of three children, he and his family were displaced twice before eventually making it to Jordan in 2013. Mohammed was awarded the Jusoor-Amal Foundation scholarship and started his studies at Al Zarqa university, with a lot of determination to build a better future for himself and his family. Alongside his education, Mohammad has volunteered with different organizations, helping other refugee children and families to bring back hope. He has recently graduated and is set to continue his journey towards his master's education, with the hope that he can use his knowledge to educate Syria's next generation.

Fatmeh is a 12-year-old student in our Jurrahiya Education Center in Lebanon. She is popular amongst her friends and can often be seen leading her group while playing or studying.This was not always the case as a few years ago Fatmeh did not like social interactions and preferred to stay quiet. This rapidly changed as she joined our educational center and started to engage with tailored activities that encouraged her to improve her social skills.Fatmeh is moving onto a public school as she finishes our program. She is carrying all her skills with her, inspiring other kids and making her own path towards a successful future.

Founded in 2019 by Ali Al Rawashdeh, Ayat Shahin, and Mohammed Al Houmsi, TWIG works as a mobile-first platform providing gardeners with integrated services and products such as landscaping and garden maintenance, making it easy for them to manage their business and workforce. The startup also offers software solutions for home gardening.-Twig team was part of Jusoor’s Entrepreneurship program where they got help with training, mentoring, and registering their company in Jordan which aided in securing their recent investor.

Mahmoud Alhamidi, a Jusoor Alumni who has recently graduated from Al Albayt University with a Master's degree in teaching development. Mahmoud’s higher education journey started in Syria but unfortunately was interrupted in 2013 when he had to flee to Jordan to live in the Al Zaatari camp for refugees. Despite the struggle, he was dedicated to finishing his studies. In 2017, he was awarded the Jusoor-Amal Foundation scholarship which was a turning point in his life. While holding fast on his dream of returning home and contributing in the rebuilding of his country, Mahmoud is working his best towards sustaining high self motivation towards self and community improvement, and hoping to one day be able to work in teaching in Damascus University.

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