
Azima Handbook:
Enabling Remote Education for Refugee Children

Discover how Jusoor leveraged WhatsApp as a digital platform to mitigate the challenges imposed by Covid-19 on in-person learning.

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The Azima Handbook Jusoor Report


Utilizing WhatsApp for distance learning, Azima ensured continuous education during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing video lessons and interactive assignments. This report highlights Azima’s adaptation to educational and economic challenges, showcasing its effective curriculum design and the significant learning advancements made by the children.

Published: May 2022
Language: English
Authors: Suha Tutunji, Michèle Boujikian, and Grace Atkinson
Commissioned by: Jusoor
Boujikian, M., & Nammour, T. (2022). The Azima handbook: A walkthrough of Jusoor’s online education program. Jusoor.
Azima handbook

A sneak peek of the data
you will find in the report


children engaged in the Azima program, including 72 females and 54 males, underscoring its extensive outreach.


of students reported that the mobile phones provided by Jusoor were essential for their participation in the program.


of students found the distributed stationary essential to their learning, enhancing engagement and educational outcomes.

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About Jusoor

Jusoor, which means "bridges" in Arabic, is an international NGO with the mission of “Maximizing the potential of Syrian youth through education”.

Founded in 2011 by Syrian Diaspora in the private sector, Jusoor is a unique model of humanitarian intervention known for its innovative approach, dynamic and continuously improving programs, high-velocity execution, and the strength of its global partnerships. We believe in lean impact, and hold ourselves accountable for being nimble and responsive to the realities of Syrian children and youth on the ground and in the diaspora.

Jusoor is a non-political, non-religious non profit organization and is globally registered as a US 501c3 in the US, and a charitable organization in Canada, the United Kingdom, Jordan and Lebanon.

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