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High School Scholarship
Aug 2022

Hussain Bu Subayt

Hussain Bu Sbayt received a Jusoor-UWC Scholarship as a DP student who studied in Tanzania, UWC East Africa. Hussain’s favorite subjects are Math and Physics, but especially Math since during his studies, he joined Math Olympiad CCA and is excelling. In addition, Hussain loves to participate in school programs such as the 24-hour Run, and the OP Trips (Outdoor Pursuits) to witness the outdoor enlightenment and be part of the vast array of landscape, nature, and experiences in Tanzania. Finally, Hussain feels a huge boost of confidence in his academic and social performance and is loving nature within the school environment.
Academic Institution
United World Colleges UWC East Africa
Field of Study
International Baccalaureate Diploma

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Hussain Bu Subayt
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