Program Update
September 30, 2020

Learning Against All Odds - Back to School 2020

Photo of 2 Syrian female students

Meet Anisah, one of Jusoor's students in Beirut, Lebanon.

Anisah is a strong believer in the power of education. She left Syria as a child in 2013 and has been living with her family in Beirut since then. Her mother instilled in her that education is her key to survival in this world.

Meet Cedra, one of our students in Beirut.

This year she’s entering the 10th grade. That may seem like nothing special, but she’s one of a very small number of Syrians who reaches secondary school in Lebanon. In fact, only 1% do. Cedra has a dream of one day being a dentist. She wants to lead by example, and become a female dentist that inspires other generations of Syrian girls like her.

This year has been incredibly difficult for Anisah and our students in Lebanon. The Lebanese financial crisis, COVID-19, the Beirut explosion – despite all this, her desire to learn and go back to school is so strong.Learning will look different this year, but she will go back to school. Jusoor's Refugee Education Program has been adapted during the pandemic to reach over 1,000 Syrian children through online learning, socially distanced classes for select grades, and take-home packets delivered monthly to ensure their education is not disrupted.

Know more about our Online Education Program "Azima" here
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