As the academic year comes to a start, we are thrilled to present the 36 new scholars who have received support from Jusoor to pursue their academic ambitions. This is a record-breaking number of scholars that Jusoor has managed to support in a single cohort. Coming from more than 10 cities in Syria, the scholars with amazing ambitions and dreams are now enriching their academic journey in prestigious universities and schools around the world.

From high school IB programs to Bachelor’s degrees and Master’s - the scholars are studying in various corners of the world and in various disciplines. In North America, we have Alice Khalil set to study for a Bachelor’s in Neuroscience at St. Laurence University, Beshr Islam Bouli starting his BA in computer sciences and Engineering at MIT, Mohamed Ragheb Adbin studying for a Computer Sciences BA at Harvard.
In Europe we have Somar Shaheen studying for an MSc in Environmental Governance from the University of Manchester, Marah Ramadan studying for a Bioinformatics MA at the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona and Joodi Mourhli is set to study Population Health Sciences at Cambridge.
We are also proud to have various scholars studying in the Middle East at the Beirut Arab University such as Hazar Sanyour studying for a BA in Chemical Engineering, Nebal Alkhawaja and Shaimaa Doumani both studying for BAs in Medical Lab & technology, and Rama Radwan Saadeih for a BA in Nutrition & dietetics.
We also couldn’t be happier to continue our collaboration with United World Colleges to send various Syrian students to obtain an International Baccalaureate diploma in a diverse, multicultural environment that they are sure to learn from as much as UWC’s excellent academic programs. These scholars include Kinda Shahin, Nour Alhuda Farha, and Taim Yaghi.