November 30, 2020

Reham: A Mother - Father and a Scholar


When Reham’s husband was killed in 2015 by a bomb that landed on his shop in the small village of Soor in Daraa, she knew she had to flee Syria with their two children as soon as possible to provide them with a better future.

I had to forget all about my pain and draw strength from my children and prove to everybody that I’m a strong woman Reham explained fiercely.

Twenty-eight-year-old Reham was desperate to raise enough money to transport herself and her two children to the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan, which was close to where her own parents lived. After borrowing some money from one of her relatives, Reham took her children on a three-month journey that ended with their acceptance to the Za’atari refugee camp.

Reham started working with children in the camp and took part in several educational training programs that work on empowering youth. “I loved working with children,” said Reham. “Not only because I am a mother, but because I understand them and I used to teach back in Syria before the war."

Reham heard about Jusoor’s Amal Scholarship Program from fellow teachers in the camp and decided to apply for a scholarship to study media and journalism at Al Zarqa University. Three months later, she was contacted for an interview and was accepted into university.

“What I like about Jusoor is that when I explained my situation, I could immediately feel their sympathy and understanding,” Reham said.

Reham has been studying for three years now while working and supporting her children through school. Her schedule is fairly strict, although she does find the time to study at night after having finished household chores and helping her children with their homework.

Both my children are the first in their class, and this makes me so proud," she said. "I want them to have a bright future.

Reham believes that without Jusoor’s help, her journey would have been much more difficult.

Jusoor’s faith in me restored my faith in myself and gave me the opportunity to continue my education after a seven-year interruption,” said Reham.“Now, I get to study what I love and also make friends in university.

Reham’s goals are to continue her studies in cinema and to give her children “a good life.”She also has a message to all Syrian women across the globe. “The hope of rebuilding Syria lies in the strength of our wives, daughters, sisters, friends, and others. If you want an educated society, start by educating its women.

When women fight for their rights, everybody wins. Trust me, I know.”
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