Career Pathways for Refugee Talents
The MENA region faces significant youth unemployment, with Syrian refugees experiencing notably high joblessness (UNHCR, 2023) due to language barriers, limited educational opportunities, and job experience. Discriminatory employment policies in many host countries further compound such challenges(OCHA, 2019).
Upskilling initiatives have proliferated in the region, but with no clear evidence of securing youth employment. Our Career Development Program addresses this gap by directly connecting Syrian talent with income generation, building targeted skillsets, and creating innovative employment pipelines to bridge the opportunity gap.
Sustainable Futures.

Turning Ambitions into Achievements
Jusoor recognizes that Syrian talent is abundant and possesses the necessary skills and qualities. However, opportunities are scarce due to discriminatory employment policies and upskilling initiatives that do not always effectively result in income generation. In response, our Career Development Program focuses on two key objectives: (1) connecting talented Syrian youth with existing quality opportunities, and (2) innovating to create new job opportunities.
Soft skills are also identified as key for future job market readiness (World Bank, 2023). Thus, all our projects empower Syrian youth with targeted tools, skills, and knowledge to successfully launch and advance their careers.
to date
Employment Opportunities Secured

Community Members

Women Participation
Our Projects
This project in collaboration with TalPods, offers an innovative pipeline for junior engineers to fast-track their careers and transition to senior positions within a relatively short timeframe while gaining invaluable hands-on experience in the tech world, bridging the skills gap in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Jusoor is partnering with the Canadian Embassy in Lebanon, Talent Beyond Boundaries, and Unite Lebanon Youth Project to advance the Canadian Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP). This program matches skilled refugees with positions that Canadian employers need through existing immigration channels. Jusoor is facilitating the recruitment of a talented potential workforce in the construction and healthcare sectors.

The Future Skills Project equips our students with the necessary skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration, using advanced 21st century skills and tools.

The Aya Project recruits and remotely connects refugee talent with professionals, companies, and organizations looking to hire top-quality employees who are bilingual, affordable, and tech-savvy. Jusoor will facilitate successful hires by offering comprehensive training for incoming employees as well as guidance for employers on remote management practices.
Empower skill sets and turn ambitions into achievements
Support the career of young talents today
Thanks to our Institutional Supporters and Partners

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The Chapter Ahead for Syria
Jusoor’s 2023 Annual Report Highlights