September 20, 2020

Factors Influencing the Education of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon


This research probes into the challenges faced by Syrian refugees after finishing the 9th grade, as it is usually a critical turning point for students enrolled in the Lebanese education system. The study follows a mixed-method approach comprising quantitative and qualitative instruments to investigate the factors that support Syrian refugee students’ ability to continue their education as well as the factors that might hinder their educational outcome.

The study revealed that most students while coming from a humble background, valued education and received support from their parents to continue their education. Moreover, most students received remedial and language support from NGOs, which supported them in continuing their education. The vast majority of students prioritized education over marriage and work, and only sought work to gather money for university or pay off their tuition fees.

Some students struggled with official documents to register and were about to quit if they had not received critical support from a sympathizer or an NGO. Furthermore, many find traveling to school to be a daily challenge, especially with increasing transportation costs, a worsening financial crisis, and the struggle to pay school fees.Besides, the vast majority expressed the struggle to learn foreign languages. For many, it affected their ability to understand and perform well at school. Additionally, addressing bullying and providing a supportive school environment is critical for making students feel safe to come to school and learn.

Syrian children had high hopes to continue their higher education either abroad or in Lebanon. In Lebanon, employment restrictions were cited as the biggest future threat facing Syrian refugees as it blocked any hopes they had of building the career they envisioned. In more immediate terms, the current economic crisis and COVID-19 are threatening their chances of realizing their dreams. Thus, it is critical to support Syrian children at these difficult times to further build on their successes. Click here to read the report.

Click here to read the report
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