Organization Update
December 16, 2022

Jusoor Bridges Award 2022

Bridges Award 2022 Banner, featuring Yannick Du Pont

Around this time of every year, we look back at the work we have been able to do, and deeply appreciate the generosity and compassion that we get to experience because of you, our supporters. Our work is possible because of people who are taking part in changing the narrative for Syrian children and youth, helping us in our work in bridging the opportunity gap.

Jusoor’s Bridges Award is given to an individual or group who are dedicated to transforming and building a better world, they are a source of inspiration and compassion, agents of change who demonstrate utmost courage and respect towards all humanity. At Jusoor, we believe that the children and youth of Syria should have access to profoundly better opportunities. An individual, leading an exceptional organization, who has greatly supported this belief has been selected to receive this year’s bridges award. It is our honor to announce that this year’s Bridges Award goes to Mr. Yannick Du Pont & SPARK.

Mr. Yannick Du Pont is the Founder and CEO of SPARK, an international non-governmental organisation, focused on creating jobs for youth in fragile regions. Mr. Du Pont has been working in the field of higher education and economic development in post-conflict countries since 1994.

Mr. Yannick Du Pont holding the Jusoor Bridges Award 2022

Alongside SPARK’s work in providing over ten thousand scholarships to Syrian youth in the Middle East, and many career development and entrepreneurship opportunities, for both Syrian and host committees, Mr. Yannick & SPARK have shown enormous commitment to Syria’s next generation with Jusoor, ensuring thousands of Syrian youth have the education, skillsets, and network to build a better future for themselves, and create a brighter world around them. Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria,  Mr. Yannick Du Pont has worked personally and tirelessly to develop and support high-impact programs on an international scale. We are very proud to be working together and to call you our partner, your life-changing contributions have been truly incredible.

“It’s really an honor to receive this award, particularly that it’s coming from an organization that is truly embedded in the Syrian community, working with, from and for the Syrian community.”
Mr. Yannick Du Pont

On behalf of the Jusoor board of directors, board of trustees, and our Entrepreneurship community, we thank you. We are deeply grateful for your support and commitment to our cause.

“There are many aspects of Jusoor that I have been really impressed with and especially the combination of the professionality of their work with the strong link to the community, which I think is really powerful.”
Mr. Yannick Du Pont

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of our donors and supporters who make our work possible.

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