Disruptors nurturing tech startups

Jusoor's ‘Disruptors’ project is specifically tailored for high-potential techstartups, aiming to expedite their path to becoming investable startups. Thisproject aims to address the current market challenge of identifying investableventures effectively by providing comprehensive support and resources. Theofferings include a startup bootcamp, incubation programs with group trainingsessions, personalized consultations with industry experts, extensive networkingopportunities, seed money prizes, and an EOCCS program-accreditedcertification to affirm their market readiness and appeal.

The Disruptors project unfolds through several hybrid phases, starting within-person bootcamps, Selected startups participate in a three-day intensivebootcamp in their city, focusing on business validation and networking. This leadsinto the online incubation phase, where startups are nurtured on scalability,financial management, legal affairs, and effective networking, supported byweekly training, one-on-one expert sessions, and design development services. Adistinctive feature is the 'Meet the CEO' sessions, offering direct insights fromsuccessful leaders and entrepreneurs.

The journey culminates in an in-person Demo Day and Networking Event, wheretop startups pitch to a panel of judges, investors, and accelerators, competing fora total of $22,000 seed money prizes split among the top three performers,incentivizing excellence and innovation.

The project’s curriculum is extensive, covering market analysis, digital marketing,sales strategies, and financial management. It also delves into team roles,organizational management, product management, setting and achievingorganizational goals, scalability, customer validation, pitching and storytelling,legal aspects of startups, and fundraising strategies. This comprehensive trainingensures that startups are well-prepared to navigate the complex businesslandscape and succeed in attracting investment and scaling their operations.

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